Personal Training


Are you new to training and looking for support and guidance to learn the fundamentals and build your knowledge & confidence so you can move well and get strong? Or are you more advanced and want to fine-tune your exercise performance and technique to elevate your results?

If so, 1:1 coaching is for you!


If you are based in the Glasgow area, I offer In Person Coaching from the FITT Principle, a beautiful semi-private PT studio in Glasgow’s city centre.

In Person Coaching starts with an initial FREE consultation – an opportunity for you to come into the gym, see the space and for us to have a chat! This gives me the chance to get to know you and what your goals are and also an opportunity for you to ask any questions too.

I will then programme your training sessions according to your goals, which will build gradually and progressively over-time depending on your abilities, helping you to get fitter and stronger.

As well as the in person coaching sessions we have together, you will also be provided with a tailored training programme to follow for any sessions you wish to do out-with your in person sessions. You also get full support and guidance throughout the week to ensure you make progress.

Keen? Fill in the Coaching Enquiry Form and I will get back to you ASAP.

From £180 every 4 weeks.


Do you rock up to the gym with no structured workout plan, just do whatever you feel like, seeing no results from your efforts? Do you lose motivation and need support and someone to keep you accountable? Do you know what you’re doing in the gym but just want to elevate your results and have someone take the programming out of your hands for you? If so, then my Online Coaching service is for you!

Online Coaching is like having a personal trainer in your pocket. Welcome to tailored programming but with even more convenience!

Your tailored programme is created just for you, based on your goals and skill level, taking into account the time and equipment you have available.

Your programme is provided weekly via my app, allowing you to track your progress and log your training history and metrics. It also provides video demonstrations of the exercises included in your programme and allows you to upload form videos for coaching feedback and form analysis.

Similar to In Person Coaching, your bespoke training programme builds over-time based on your abilities.

You also get weekly check-ins with me and access to an unlimited chat function via my app.

I get to know each client individually and offer unlimited support to help you achieve your goals and elevate your results to the next level.

My online coaching is a minimum 3 month commitment, and is available worldwide.

Due to the bespoke nature of my online programming, I have very limited spots available.

Sound good? Fill in the Coaching Enquiry Form and I will get back to you ASAP!

From £130 per month.


“I have been working with Kerri for nearly six months and from day one, I have been amazed by my experience with her. Kerri’s coaching style has revolutionised my fitness journey and I am more aware of my technique and form than I ever have before. Kerri pushes me and allows me to see my potential in exercise. But what I feel truly sets Kerri apart is her unwavering support and encouragement which has been a driving force behind my progress. Her knowledge of exercise science and nutrition is second to none and she has tailored my training to suit my chaotic lifestyle and goals. Thanks to Kerri, I now have far better understanding of how my body moves and what works for me. I am excited to continue my journey with her and become a healthier and stronger version of myself and couldn’t ask for a better personal trainer!”

— Gillian

“Choosing Kerri as my PT is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Her depth of knowledge and coaching skills paired with her encouragement, enthusiasm and positivity had me leaving every session feeling amazing. She’s kind, compassionate, understanding and a great listener - everything you need when you’re new to the gym or training around injuries. She always goes the extra mile to plan and adapt workouts to suit your body and exercise preferences. Training with Kerri has been a breath of fresh air and she’s given me all the foundations I need to feel confident training on my own.”

— Alice

“I started training with Kerri from February-May this year, as I was introducing exercise and fitness back into my weekly routine. The sessions were absolutely amazing - I learned so much with the technique behind each exercise, which has now given me the confidence to carry these out myself in the gym. As well as this, the sessions were so much fun and Kerri was an absolute joy to have as a PT - would highly recommend to anyone who is considering using one!”

— Enrico

“I've been training with Kerri for a year now, and I couldn't recommend her highly enough as a trainer. Although I was confident in the gym before I started training with Kerri, the weekly sessions I've had with her have allowed me to achieve training goals that I wouldn't have thought were possible beforehand. If you're looking for someone with extensive knowledge around training and nutrition, without being overbearing or 'preachy', then look no further. Kerri encourages you to form healthy habits, whilst acknowledging that you're not a robot.

Kerri programmes workouts that are tailored to me and my individual goals. She'll take into account the kind of training you actually enjoy, rather than basing your workouts on any preconceived ideas about how you should be training. She encourages me to contact her during my solo gym sessions if I'm unsure of how I should be doing a particular exercise. If I use the app to record information about my workout, she will take the time to read what I've written and offer encouragement and feedback. She invests so much time and energy into her work as a trainer, and is clearly very passionate about what she does. Most importantly Kerri's just a lovely person who is a joy to train with, and I find myself really looking forward to our session every week!”

— Maeve

“I had been following Kerri on Instagram for some time and loved her positive approach to fitness and health.  I am a regular gym goer but wanted to get out of my comfort zone so I contacted Kerri. Kerri is always friendly and very encouraging and has encouraged me to lift heavier weights using good form and provided me with a variety of new exercises. I also wanted to learn how to do pull-ups and Kerri provided structured sessions to allow me to achieve this. Although I meet with Kerri once a week, she has designed shorter workouts for me to allow me to do these remotely alongside her sessions. All the workouts are logged on to an app so I can keep track of my progress which is helpful. I highly recommend Kerri if you are wanting to improve your overall fitness.”

— Caroline